Калининградские «Вести» впервые на английском / Kaliningrad news is first published in the English language

9 просмотров

We launch a new project named Kaliningrad News. It is an online summing up news program in English and will be running at our website. It will contain the most significant events of the past week.

Kaliningrad News is primarily focused on the English-speaking audience and will not be a mere repetition of local events in a foreign language. Its goal is to make our region rich and interesting with historical events and achievements more accessible and open to foreign audience.

We really hope for your feedback and comments, which will undoubtedly help us to improve the broadcasting.

  • George Eliason#1


    This is a great idea that’s finally found it’s time.
    Best regards from Donbass
    George Eliason

  • Gabriel Infante#2


    Dear friends,
    I’m really looking forward on your weekly online newscast, I would just like to know what day of the week will the new newscasts will come out.

    Best regards from Mexico City.

  • Kevin#3


    This is a great and interesting project. I’m also curious when this will be published. It’s been a week and a half, so I would’ve expected the second edition already.

    I wish you all lots of luck and hopefully this will reach many people to learn more about Kaliningrad.

    Greetings from The Netherlands!

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